Click here to see the list of Workshops
Specific people capable of handling a scientific field related to the theme of the Conference undertake to organise a 90 minutes workshop. The organiser selects the people that will make presentations, supports the workshop, and eventually, he/she chairs the session. Exceptional papers of the workshop will be published in IJASS Journal following the rules of the publisher.
For each workshop, the organiser may provide the following:
- Title of the Workshop
- Abstract of the Workshop, max 300 words, in one paragraph.
For each speaker of the workshop, we need the following:
- Name and Surname with title(s),
- Affiliation(s),
- Short CV, max 250 words, in one paragraph.
- Small face photo in jpg file
Please note that each workshop will last 90 minutes, and all the information will be in the English Language.
Please send your Workshop Proposal to