Systems Approach for Innovative Entrepreneurship
We would like to invite you to the 20th Hellenic Society for Systemic Studies (HSSS) National & International Conference, joined organized with the University of Ioannina, Lab. of New Technologies and Distance Learning. Supporter of the Conference is the Administrative Chamber of Greece.
The Conference is online, from 11th to 14th December 2024, Ioannina, Greece.
The HSSS’s annual National and International Conference is held alternately in different cities of Greece in collaboration and/or under the auspices of one or more local Universities or with a contribution of a relevant International or Greek organization.
This Conference is a great opportunity for system specialists from Europe and the rest of the world to meet and emulate each other in order to decompartmentalise the specialist approaches of the different disciplines. Combining theoretical, methodological and practical approaches, systems thinking contributes to the construction of synergies between different disciplines, thus encouraging the development of theoretical models, modelling and decision-making methods, and practical tools at the service of society.
Based on the topic of creativity, the main theme of the double event is to present the dynamic scientific area of “Systemics” with theory and applications in organizations and enterprises across a wide spectrum of both service and production industry sectors.
Given the dynamic nature of this challenging area, Systemics will bridge the gap between theory and practice and will promote the use of effective Methodologies and Multi-Methodologies in managing today’s organizational complexity for Organizational Intelligence.
Our interdisciplinary, international community has the scientific systemic tools and powerful specialized software to tackle up-to-date multi-dimensional strategic complex problems and to manage their complexity in different applied areas of practice.
The prominent national and international invited speakers in the scientific program, the exciting professional panels, the professional round table, and the professional workshop will attract the attention of a large number of our colleagues. Further, the members’ participation, including the Association Française de Science des Systèmes (AFSCET), The Cybernetics Society (CYBSOC), the Associazione Italiana per la Ricerca sui Sistemi (AIRS), the Hellenic Society for Systemic Studies (HSSS), the Asbl Systèmes & Organisations (S&O), the Sociedad Española de Sistemas Generales (SESGE) International Federation for Systems Research (IFSR), the International Academy of Systems and Cybernetic Sciences (IASCYS), the World Organisation of Systems and Cybernetics (WOSC) together with renowned consultancy firms of national and international stature, will allow the organization of a very successful and memorable event in the history of HSSS Conferences and EUS Congress.
Who should attend?
* Academics: Communicate your research results with colleagues around the world.
* Members of National and International Organizations.
* Consultants: Present the power of systems thinking, modeling and simulation in your applied, client-oriented work.
* Practitioners: Show modeling and simulation at work in your organizations.
* Graduate students: Share your developing research in a constructive environment.
* Undergraduate students: Have a good experience within a challenging and professional environment.
Athens is the capital of Greece. Its economy is also supported by manufacturing, trade, services and tourism.
Chair for the Scientific Committee
Professor Jenny Pange,
Director of Lab. of New Technologies & Distance Learning,
Former Dean of the School of Education,
University of Ioannina, Greece.
Chair for the Organising Committee
Mr. Eleftherios Kakavoulis, Member of HSSS Council,
CSAP Mastering Program,
University of Piraeus,
President of EUS and HSSS
Professor N. Assimakopoulos,
Department of Informatics,
University of Piraeus, Piraeus,