
The 19th annual National & International Conference of the HSSS will be held in Piraeus, Greece from the 11th to the 14th of October 2023. The theme of the Conference is “Systemic Digital Transformation in Contemporary Business Ecosystems”, with applications in both public and private sector organizations, across a wide spectrum of service and production industries.

It is an axiomatic tenet today that organizations operate in complex environments that change frequently due to social-cultural, legal, economic, political, environmental, ethical, demographic, and technological influences. Indeed, increasing uncertainty seems to be the only constant in our turbulent world. This uncertainty is in part a result of the pluralistic differences in people’s perception of reality, the varied beliefs, attitudes, and values that drive their complex motivations, and issues associated with culture, politics, and power structures. Systems theory proposes that systems are open to and interact with their environment in the form of a continual exchange of matter, energy, and information. This exchange is realized through the system’s boundary, which is the spatial, temporal, and/or conceptual border that separates the system’s interdependent elements from the environment. The system’s environment, in turn, is composed of those elements and their properties that are not a part of the system but which nevertheless have an impact on the state of the system. Professional Systemics bridges the gap between theory and practice and promotes the use of effective Methodologies and Multi-Methodologies in managing meaningful stakeholder engagement.

Systemic Design Thinking for Creativity is an umbrella term encompassing a range of activities through which an organization involves persons or groups who may be directly or indirectly affected by the decisions it makes and/or influence the outcome of its decisions, either positively or negatively. Stakeholders include business partners, customers, suppliers, national or local government bodies, civil societies, special interest groups, affected communities, and others. Organizations that actively engage their stakeholders to gain valuable insight into the various issues that motivate their behaviour, and align their business practices with their stakeholders’ needs and expectations, thus driving long-term equity and sustainability.     

A systems approach allows the organization to successfully apply a holistic approach for the purpose of engaging in a meaningful dialogue with its stakeholders in order to achieve a level of effective operation through fact-based decision-making, which in turn gives the organization awareness of the long-term consequences of its actions (actions taken or avoided). Further, through a systems approach, the policy-maker is in a better position to redefine the issues at hand, rather than apply modifications of older solutions which may have been employed in the past.

The fields of theoretical and applied research that will be addressed by the conference include but are not limited to the following:

Systemics and Design Thinking:

Systemic Methodologies and Multi-Methodologies
DCSYM Case Tool
VSM and its applications
Business Dynamics
Dynamic Business Model Canvas
Systemics for Agile Project Management
Systemic Modelling of Creative Processes
identification of Creative Types and Factors in Design Processes
Systemic Interventions on Creative Processes
Creativity models of Artificial intelligence
Creative Modelling of Crises (sustainability, risk, anthropocene…)
Concept and Representation of Creativity Through Various Disciplines
Historical Context of the Emergence of the Creativity Concept
Creative Adaptation and Transformation
The Impact of Interdisciplinarity about Research Process in Art and Science

Management Science, Economics and Public Policies:

Organizational Culture
Organizational Development
Business ethics and Workplace Spirituality
Corporate Social Responsibility
Strategic Management
Total Quality Management and Quality Management Systems
Human Resource Management and Development
Marketing Management
Financial Management
Financial accounting and reporting
Management accounting and control
Public sector management
Corporate governance
Auditing and internal control
Financial markets
Financial analysis
Economics – Macro and Micro issues
Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Public Administration architecture
Allocation of competencies in Public Administration
Public Policies and effectiveness
Health Policy and management
Education Policy and management
Societal Policy and management
Local Authorities management
Civil Protection
Risk Management & Business Continuity
Negotiation & Conflict Management
Media Relations

Industry 4.0:

Internet of Things

Business Intelligence (BI):

Strategies and technologies for BI
BI for business operations
Knowledge management
Decision support systems
Business performance management
Complex event processing
BI for business opportunities
BI for empowering organisations
BI and business analytics
Integrated business planning
Real-time business intelligence
BI in touristic destination management

Business Modelling:

Business Process Management
Formal modelling
Computer systems modelling
Real-time modelling
Embedded systems
Mobile and intelligent agents
Manufacturing and transportation systems

Digital Marketing:

Marketing of Innovation
Social Media Marketing
Mobile Marketing
Network analysis
e-branding & Brand Experience
Management Digital marketing
Marketing and Electronic Commerce
Marketing Analytics
Marketing Research
Marketing Information Systems
Marketing of Emerging Technologies.
Sustainable Marketing Distribution
Integrated Marketing
Strategic Marketing Services
Marketing Services Branding/Online
Marketing Management
B 2 B and B 2 C Marketing
Pricing Strategies in Marketing
Collaborative Marketing
Global Business Marketing
Opinion mining